Appointment Information

  • Business hours:

    Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri: 9:30 am - 5:00 pm

    Thur - Sat - Sun: Closed

  • If you have a serious medical condition, injury, or are recovering, ensure your medical provider has cleared you to receive relaxation massage or therapeutic bodywork.

  • Therapeutic Work:

    • Wear or bring gym style shorts or yoga leggings.

    • Ladies wear a regular bra - not a sports bra. You will be covered, but a regular bra provides better access to the area between your shoulders.

  • Appointment Reminder: You will receive a text reminder 48 hours prior.

  • Cancellation: Please provide 24 hours notice. Simply notify me. Rescheduling is always an option.

    • “No-Show / No-Call”:

      • First time - You will go to the end of the waiting list.

      • Second time - Please find another therapist.

Contact Information

Please understand I will respond as quickly as possible. This may require a few hours. When I’m in a session with a client they have my full attention without phone interruption.

  • 870-517-0018: Text or voicemail is preferred.

    • Please provide your cell phone# for a reply. A land line does not receive texts. If you do not have a cell phone please let me know your phone number is a land line.

  • Email: Please complete the fields and click Submit.

I Appreciate Your Business! Thank You